@extends('layouts.app') @section('title', 'Report List') @section('content')


{{-- Alert Messages --}} @include('common.alert')
@if(auth()->user()->role_id==1) @endif
Please fill in at least one field.

For the 'Published' report status, date will be consider as report published date.

All Reports
@if(count($reports)>0) @foreach ($reports as $report) @endforeach @else @endif
Site ID Site Name User Name Email Segment Pincode Location City Status Published Date Downloads Actions
{{ $report->ap_tid }} {{ $report->site_name }} {{ isset($report->reportUser) ? $report->reportUser->name : $report->name }} {{ isset($report->reportUser) ? $report->reportUser->email : $report->email }} {{ Helper::reportSegmentCategoryName($report->report_segment_category_id) }} {{ $report->location_area }} {{ $report->location_city }} @if ($report->status == 0) On-Going @elseif ($report->status == 1) Published @elseif ($report->status == 2) Submit For Approval @elseif ($report->status == 3) Rejected @endif {{ $report->published_date }} @if($report->report_submission_download_logs_count>0) {{ $report->report_submission_download_logs_count }} @else 0 @endif
There are no data.
{{-- $reports->links() --}} {{ $reports->appends(request()->query())->links() }}
@include('reports.delete-modal') @endsection @push('script') @endpush